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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Wipe Away Those Coronavirus Blues With These Board Games

Pass Go to collect $200 and some toilet paper.

Australia is in panic mode, there’s no doubt about it. Boomers are fighting each other for toilet paper, musicians are pulling out of shows, people are even coming up with fake cures for illnesses. It’s official, coronavirus has scared us and we’re all wanting to stay home – but that doesn’t mean you can’t play board games.

For more on the coronavirus, make sure you check out this episode of It’s Been A Big Day For…

Staying indoors can sometimes be a bore, so we’re here to help you keep busy! So, without further ado, here are the best board games to play for when you’re stuck inside the house.

Note: we do recommend constant hand sanitizing and disinfecting all the pieces of the game before you start playing. Just to be safe. 


Look, not an unfamiliar sight…

The ‘quick game’s a good game’ sentiment definitely does not apply here. Monopoly is the O.G. family destroyer. Known to last hours, this strategy board game is notorious for tearing families apart. Kids get around it! Adults get around it! I guarantee everyone loves Monopoly until they start losing. So, if it has been a while since you last whipped out this board game and your family have forgotten how much they hate it, I’d say it’s 100% the time to whip it out again – particularly if you’re stuck in coronavirus lockdown together.


Fun Fact: This is not how you play Chess.

Sometimes it’s hard to rally up your entire family for a board game session; one person is always in the kitchen, another is doing household chores and one’s never home for long enough to start and end even the quickest of games – especially during a coronavirus crisis. If this category applies to you, allow me to remind you of Chess! We stan Chess. Dating back to the 6th century, this iconic game is one for the ages. We know you can beat the computer on the easy level, but can you beat a family member? 


Me when the starting letter is Z

Do you consider yourself to be someone with quick wit? Then, this game is right up your alley – especially when you’re searching for things to do mid coronavirus crisis! It involves a 20-sided dice and your knowledge to come up with answers on the spot. Funnily enough, this game never really ends up in fights because you all need to come to a mutual consensus to give away points. So, if you’re over fighting because of Monopoly cheaters, we recommend this one!


Me thinking of the answer to literally the most obvious clue.

In a nutshell, this board game is just the opposite of charades. Basically, everyone is in teams of at least two and has to explain a word without actually saying that word. Each correct answer is a move closer to the very end. So if you’re ever playing charades and think, ‘Gosh, I wish there was a way of scoring this’, turn your head to Articulate. 


We have literally no choice but to stan Risk. The aim of the game is simple, take over the world. Believe me, in reality, it’s much easier than it sounds. Points are rewarded for how much land is owned, and rewards are given for owning whole continents. Love that for us!

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