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These Oscar-Winning Films Are Now In A Fight For The Worst Script

Everyone agrees on last place.

Just when you thought the decade wrap-ups were all done and dusted, we’ve got another one for you, and it’s Oscars-related. The Internet has been divided this morning, trying to rank the Best Original Screenplays from the past 10 years. 

Film nerds and Academy-fanatics have agreed that Get Out, Parasite and Django Unchained are for sure in the top three, with specific ranking varying from person to person. But, when it comes to last place, there are a few contenders.

If you’re wondering why you can’t see Call My By Your Name, Moonlight or Jojo Rabbit on this list, it’s because those actually won Best Adapted Screenplay and thus are excluded from this list. So, without further ado, let’s present the nominees for the best-worst Original Screenplay of the 2010s.

Manchester By The Sea

This film is sitting quite far down on a lot of people’s lists, perhaps because of the film’s slow pace. However, the screenplay for this film was interestingly very much praised, the issue is, it didn’t translate to the screen.

Kenneth Lonergan was a playwright for the stage before he wrote this film, and it looks as if the magic just didn’t translate. I bet it would make a great read, though!

Midnight in Paris

The Internet hasn’t given many reasons as to placing this film in the latter half of their lists. Perhaps, they don’t enjoy the meta-ness of a screenplay about a screenwriter? Perhaps, it’s the anti-Owen Wilson agenda. Or perhaps, it’s because Twitter has cancelled Woody Allen. All-in-all, this movie is a contender for worst screenplay, but it’s not last.

And the winner for the worst-Best Original Screenplay goes to… 

Green Book

Yep. To no surprise whatsoever, this film ranks dead last on most of the Twitter responses. The white-saviour film, which according to some, “spoon-fed racism to white people”, has not been forgotten since it won Best Original Screenplay in 2019.

Did the movie deserve all the hate? Up to you. But, we do imagine that fans of Vice, A Star Is Born and Roma are still bitter about its Best Picture win. 

What was your favourite Best Original Screenplay?

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