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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The First Look At R-Batz Proves That Batman's Greatest Weapon Is His Jawline

'The Batman' has suddenly rocketed to the top of my "most anticipated films" list.

We’ve been going on for a while about how awesome The Batman will be and how Robert Pattinson is perfect as a younger Dark Knight based on nothing but choice quotes and rumours. Well based on some stunning footage released by director Matt Reeves, it seems like our hunch might be right.

Speaking of DC superheroes, the GOAT team dive into Wonder Woman 1984 on It’s Been A Big Day For… below:

Matt Reeves cheekily dropped the first look of The Batman in the form of some camera test footage of Robert Pattinson suited up in the Dark Knight cowl, and holy hell is it amazing.

The footage shows a suited up R-Batz stepping into a dark frame that’s saturated in red light. As an ominous score by The Batman composer Michael Giacchino plays in the background, we see R-Batz and his new Batsuit slowly come into focus.

The whole thing lasts less than a minute but boy is there a lot to digest from it all, which we’ll do after you’ve watched the amazing footage.

Firstly, that score from Michael Giacchino is pure sex as it is distinct in its own noirish way, yet it still feels like “Batman.”

Secondly, the suit looks elaborate and mechanical, and I mean that in a complimentary way. Rather than take inspiration from the Dark Knight suits worn by Christian Bale and Ben Affleck, it looks like Reeves is using the designs from the Batman: Arkham video game series with a dash of Daredevil as his muses. Just take a gander at that bat symbol on R-Batz’s chest. It looks like it holds two batarangs. Amazing.

And lastly and most importantly, the biggest winner of this camera test footage isn’t the score or the Batman suit. No, that accolade goes to Robert Pattinson’s jawline. Rocking the Dark Knight cowl requires a great jawline and R-Batz’s jaw looks like it could cut diamonds.

After much furor over whether Matt Reeves and R-Batz can deliver with The Batman, it definitely looks like we’re in for something special. June 25, 2021 can’t come soon enough.

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