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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Seth Rogen Live-Tweeting ‘Cats’ While High Is Exactly What You Need

"Am I supposed to know what a Jellicle is?"

There are very few things in this world that unify us all quite like making fun of the movie Cats. I haven’t personally seen it yet (and I’d say there’s a good chance you haven’t either, judging by how dismally it did at the box office), but I’ve seen enough stills and clips to know that there’s a reason it’s got a reputation as being a hot mess. Hell, even Rebel Wilson and James Cordern got up at The Oscars and made fun of it, much to the CGI artists annoyance. The latest person to tackle the cinematic masterpiece of Cats is Seth Rogen, and he’s live tweeting the whole thing whilst very high.

We begin with this.

I’ll be honest with you, I had to Google what a Jellicle was. I thought it might have been the name of the cat-heaven place that they all want to go to, but it’s actually just the name of the cats. They’re Jellicle cats, which I guess explains why some of them wear shoes.

One thing I’d heard from some friends who had actually gone to see the film was that the scale was all over the place. Sometimes the cats were really large compared to their surroundings and other times they were the size of a pencil. Seth Rogen has also had this realisation.

He also had some realisations which I hadn’t had, but will now never be able to get out of my head.

Speaking of what the cats are wearing, their shoes implies the existence of a Chuck Taylor’s shop just for cats.

And in conclusion, why did anyone even bother?

Seth Rogen is far from the first person to watch Cats while high, but he’s the first person I’ve seen live Tweet the experience. There’s a reason that Cats swept the Razzie awards this year, and this is it right here.

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