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Buckle Up Twihards, There Might Be Two More 'Twilight' Books Coming

Hold on tight, spider monkey.

Earlier this month, Twihards were blessed with Midnight Sun – a companion novel to the Twilight series that hit bookshelves and amassed millions of loyal followers over a decade ago. Fast-forward to this week and fans might be in for more Edward Cullen content. Hear all about the Twilight saga below:

In a recent interview with the New York Times, Twilight author Stephenie Meyers said, “there are two more books I think in the world that I want to write.”

“I have got them outlined and a chapter written, I think of the first one, so I know it’s there,” she said. “I am not ready to do that right now, I want to do something brand new.”

There is clearly a hunger for more Twilight content, given the response to Midnight Sun. According to the Guardian, the book sold more than one million copies in a week after it hit stores in the US and UK.

However – for diehard Edward Cullen fans – Midnight Sun took some getting used to. As readers will know, the book is actually a retelling of the first Twilight novel but told from the first-person perspective of Edward, instead of Bella.

Credit: Stephenie Meyer

In an interview with US Weekly, Stephenie Meyer said, “I detailed quite a bit of Edward’s history in Twilight, so writing this book was less about creating a past for him than it was about fleshing out some of that past and seeing his familial relationships in action. As an experience, it’s about looking at the world through a vampire’s eyes instead of a human’s.”

“I think some readers might be taken aback by this version of Edward,” Meyer warned. “If they wanted someone suave and optimistic, they will not enjoy this troubled soul. I prefer the more complicated, flawed version, but I suppose that’s unsurprising because it’s how I always saw him.”

Whether you love Twilight, or hate it – there is no denying it’s a hit and fans will be more than happy to get their hands on future instalments of the much-loved franchise.

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