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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

All The Emperor’s New Groove Jokes You Didn’t Appreciate As A Kid

The cinematic masterpiece turns 20 this year.

In case you felt like being smacked in the face by how quickly time is marching on, this year The Emperor’s New Groove turns 20 years old. It was released in December 2000, after it became apparent that, thankfully, the world wasn’t going to end in Y2K after all. It quickly became a childhood favourite movie, but there were so many jokes that only became really funny once we grew up. What better excuse for a trip down memory lane?

Pacha and Kuzco Making Fun Of The Super Obvious Movie Trope

At six years old, we didn’t exactly have a refined grasp on movie history or what a trope was. Now knowing how many times huge waterfalls with sharp rocks have been used in films, we can understand the dig.

Credit: Disney

The Importance Of Grammar

Again, our understanding of grammar as kids wasn’t exactly the best. This joke originally just went straight over my head if I’m being honest, but I can thank english class for fixing that.

Credit: Disney

The Knife Was The Better Option

I never quite got my head around why a leg would be scarier than a knife, but in hindsight we can all see why.

Credit: Disney

“Bless You For Coming Out In Public”

This one speaks for itself.

Credit: Disney

Acknowledging Plot Holes Is Better Than Ignoring Them

Yzma and Kronk getting back to the lab before Pacha and Kuzco didn’t make sense within the plot, but also needed to happen to keep the story going. Solution? Make a joke out of it, move on, assume that people will forgive you later. 

Credit: Disney

Fourth Walls Are There To Be Broken

Speaking of just doing whatever you want and assuming you’ll be forgiven for it later, this whole moment. Did I know what a fourth wall was as a kid? Hell no. Did I still somehow understand that this was funny? Hell yes.

Credit: Disney


Credit: Disney

In conclusion, The Emperor’s New Groove is a masterpiece and we should absolutely all go and re-watch it with adult eyes. I assure you, it’s just as good.

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