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Forget Butts, The Sexy Peach Emoji Is Now An Anti-Trump Symbol


If you’ve been using the peach emoji for sexting, rejoice – because the juicy orange symbol has a new second meaning, and it’s all about Donald Trump.

The iconic peach emoji. Credit: Giphy

It all kicked off last week when a formal impeachment enquiry was launched after Trump asked the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden, the son of 2020 presidential candidate, Joe Biden. People also believe Trump pressured Zelensky by withholding military aid to Ukraine.

When the news broke, celebs were quick to show their support for the impeachment enquiry on Twitter, including singer Lizzo who simply tweeted: “IMPEACHMENT” using the peach emoji in replacement of ‘PEACH.’ 

Credit: Twitter

The clever emoji addition quickly caught on with Twitter users dropping it left, right and centre to make ‘impeachment’ a hot, juicy topic.

Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter
Credit: Twitter

Not only is it a lovely little play on words, but the bright, orange appearance of the emoji bears similarity to the odd tan Trump seems to rock on a daily basis.


The peach emoji became so synonymous with Trump’s impeachment enquiry that TIME magazine used it on the front cover of its March issue. 

Credit: Twitter

It’s amazing how quick the Internet works, and it begs a few questions: has our beloved peach emoji gone from being a sex symbol to an icon of US politics? Does it signify the start of an entirely new emoji language? Will the eggplant emoji suddenly become more than a phallic fruit? 

Not our beloved eggplant! Credit: Giphy

It seems that until this impeachment enquiry business is over, the peach emoji lives in limbo: somewhere between a political figure and a late night booty call. 

At least there’s one thing we can all agree on, and that’s that Shigetaka Kurita, the guy who created emojis really had no idea what he was getting himself into. 

Emojis are life. Credit: Giphy

Now, go forth and use the peach emoji any which way you please.