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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Prepare To Be Blown Away, Because Snorting Lines Of Peppermint Powder Is Legitimately A Thing

Sniff fresh.

AFL player Jack Watts has had a wild 24 hours after footage emerged of him snorting a white powder off a woman’s chest at an Oktoberfest event.

The Port Adelaide star’s initial denial via his manager – that it was “peppermint powder” – sounded incredibly made-up.

In fact, it sounds so wild that of course it’s actually a thing.

It might not be something your mates Insta’d themselves doing on their gap year trip, but it really is much of a tradition at the annual beer festival as lederhosen and puking.

Wiesn Koks, or Wiesn Pulver, is also known as “Oktoberfest cocaine”. But it’s simply mix of menthol powder and glucose, sold in little jars at the festival, and it’s totally legal.

The minty-fresh kick and instant sugar hit apparently helps cut through the carby, boozy fug that comes from pouring enormous steins of a frothy depressant down your throat and occasionally stopping for a pretzel.

To me, it sounds like the Contiki tour equivalent of daring your mate to snort a bump of Wizz Fizz at a Year 5 sleepover, but whatever helps you power past the sleepiness and right into that second wind.

The real question is: is it more effective if consumed directly off a boob?