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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Beanie Feldstein Has Validated Sparkling Water Stans Everywhere

Let us enjoy our TV static-flavoured beverage in peace.

I have great news for my fellow San Pellegrino stans – Beanie Feldstein, the Booksmart and Ladybird star, has joined our lonely ensemble. Yell it loud and proud, girl!

I feel so seen!

She’s stepped in and taken a side in what may be the biggest debate that the internet has ever known. Hell, it’s even more divisive than pineapple on pizza. Apparently, she’s awoken something in her followers, who have had the courage to come out in support of her.

“Preach it sister,” they comment. “LOVE IT. NO ONE CAN TAKE MY BUBBLES AWAY”. This is empowerment, right here.

She’s not the only celeb to be frothing over a bit of bubbly water, either, despite what the haters would have you believe. We’re a motley crew, we’ve got Kristen Bell, Irish author Louise McSharry, and even Kanye West maybe? We can only hope that Beanie Feldstein inspires other famous folk to take a stake in the controversy, I need to know who my allies are, dammit!

Twitter. Well, he’s not completely wrong about that.

Some sparkling waters are more socially acceptable than others. When it has a fruity flavour, suddenly then it’s cool. If you haven’t heard about how the kids are guzzling LaCroix like water’s gone out of fashion, you either live under a rock or you stay as far away from American popular culture as possible (which is understandable).

But I’m here for the plain stuff, the joyously flavourless fizz of regular ol’ sparkling water.

Look, there are an unfortunate few making us look bad, but I promise you it isn’t all boujee foodie nonsense. You really don’t need to spend your life savings to enjoy a bit of fizz – I’ll more than happily settle for the 90c Woolies mineral water.

It’s a great way to wean yourself off sugary sodas if carbonation is your biggest vice, and you can stay hydrated without missing out on a mouthfeel adventure. There’s literally no downside. Unless you really hate the taste, obviously.

– most of the comments on Facebook, probably.

There’s even a way to circumvent the plastic bottle nightmare that you would expect to accompany a penchant for the sparkly stuff. Soda machines. Boom, saved your planet.

Give it a try, at least, don’t allow its detractors to sully your opinion before you’ve even taken you first sip. Be the kombucha girl you’ve always known you could be.