It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

If You're Checking Out A List On Where To Randomly Approach Women, You're A Jerk

Anyone wondering why women worry about dudes in public, here's your Exhibit A.

It’s been a while since we’ve heard of Daryush Valizadeh, better known as self-proclaimed pickup artist Roosh V, the 39-year-old master of seduction who lives with his mum and leader the Return Of Kings male supremacy organisation.

But a newly-circulating guide on where to randomly approach women in Melbourne has brought him and his deeply vile outlook back into the public eye. Yay?

We’re choosing not to link to it, because you’re not a monster.

It’s worth noting that this particular thread comes from 2017-18, but it’s doing the rounds for anyone interested in how to hunt down women in public, as though they’re sexual Pokemon to be collected.

And a document where men share tips about locations to approach women takes a particularly sinister edge coming as it does after several high-profile murders of women in Melbourne.

For every person that argues that “toxic masculinity” isn’t the problem because *they personally* haven’t murdered anyone hashtag not all men,  here’s a cool insight into how a number of men view women: angry that they won’t dispense sex when expected, discussing strategies to get them alone, talking about the action to which they’re entitled. It’s abhorrent – and also pathetic.

Oh, and there’s a hell of a lot of racism packed in there too just in case you need more reason to think that maybe, just maybe, these aren’t Nice Guys Just Having A Bit Of Fun after all.

Interestingly enough ol’ Rooshy himself has recently embraced hardcore conservative Christianity although his now strident criticisms of premarital sex and provocative behaviour remain exclusively directed at women. What’s more, he continues to sell his pick-up manuals and, as this demonstrates, host forums on how to hunt women.

So that’s a thing.

Anyway, let’s say – again – something which should be self-evident but which society has failed to teach men:

Don’t bother women who are going about their business in Melbourne, and also everywhere else in the world. 

And if you’re responding to this with the fury of someone who thinks that women owe you attention and sexual access whenever you want it, maybe take a moment to punch yourself in the crotch.

Seriously, dudes. Be better.