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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

In The Latest Edition Of Nonsensical Rants Over Nothing, A Crazy YouTuber Rages About Disney Race-Bending Dogs After Casting Tessa Thompson In The Live-Action Lady And The Tramp Remake

Dogs. Don't. Belong. To. Any. Particular. Race.

It seems like Disney is remaking all of its classic animated films into live-action movies these days, and the results have been mixed to put it lightly. For every awesome adaptation like The Jungle Book, we get a slight dud like Beauty and the Beast.

The next animated movie to be given the live-action treatment is Lady and the Tramp and this one is definitely going to be special because Disney has cast Tessa Thompson to voice Lady. Seriously, she is just a goddamn delight on and off the screen, and I’m stoked she’s part of the movie.

But as always, there’s always ONE person who has to ruin it for everyone and today it happens to be a crazy YouTuber who thinks Thompson’s casting as Lady is a sign that Disney has gone all SJW by race-bending dogs.

Grace Randolph, best known as host of the Beyond The Trailer YouTube channel, posted up a video in response to Thompson’s casting in Lady and the Tramp and ho boy is it a doozy of brain cell killing proportions.

To spare your IQ from Randolph’s rant, the gist is as a longtime fan of the original Lady and the Tramp, casting Thompson as Lady, Kiersey Clemons as Darling, and Benedict Wong as Bull is “TOO much change” and Disney is going full “SJW” by race-bending dogs, which is ruining her memories of the animate film. Yes, she went there.

She has since deleted the video, but some legend managed to record all the important bits before sharing it online because the internet NEVER forgets.

Let’s unpack this nonsense a little, shall we?

Firstly, Randolph doesn’t even remember some of the characters’ names from Lady and the Tramp, which makes me question her “I’m a huge fan of the movie” claim.

Secondly – Dogs. Don’t. Belong. To. Any. Particular. Race.

You can’t race-bend a goddamn dog because, oh I dunno, they’re dogs and not people.

Thirdly, you’re only going to hear Thompson and Wong’s voices in the movie so you’re not even going to see them, and Clemons is a great actress who will play the heck out of Darling.

When you consider the only common thing between Thompson, Wong, and Clemons is that they’re not white, it kind of tells me that Randolph is a massive idiot and a bit racist.

Taking into account how Randolph has also thrown out past hot takes, like Ruby Rose “only looks good until she is asked to do anything” and the harassment Kelly Marie Tran received was “her fault”, I think we can safely say that her word is about as valuable as a sweat-flavoured ice block.

I’m totally going to watch the upcoming Lady and the Tramp live-action remake at least three times now, just to rub it in Randolph’s face.