It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

There's A Simple Solution To Make Sure Your Family Will Stop Grilling You About Dates

Need me one of these.

There’s two types of geniuses in the world.

There’s the I’m good at maths and can do code in my head kind. And then there’s the kind who create pamphlets.

Now I know pamphlets aren’t exactly exciting and definitely don’t require genius work, but stay with me here because I’m not just talking about any old pamphlet.

The pamphlet in question was specially designed to answer all the annoying questions asked by family members ahead of the date. Revolutionary.

“More questions? Don’t.”


The pamphlet designer in question is Mary Beth Barone, who is also the new love of my life. She’s 27, lives in New York, and spoke to Buzzfeed News about the inspiration behind the pamphlet:

“I wasn’t sure how to play it with all the family around so I was lamenting to my one sister I told because I knew there would be a lot of questions,” she told the publication.

Barone said her sister joked about “mak[ing] a pamphlet,” and she decided to follow through.

“I created a doc and thus the pamphlet was born,” she said.

Ah to be inside the mind of a genius.

Sounds about right.

I do have one word of advice for Mary though (from one genius to another, ya know): patent the hell out of that idea. Then sell the hell out of it on Etsy or something because, I’m telling you, it will make you millions.

Okay, not millions, but I’m certain there’s a market in this. Nosey family members are the worst and passive aggressive techniques to shut them down are the best. Your pamphlet tackles both of these things perfectly and you really should do yourself a solid and sell some copies.

Or at least do me a solid and sell some copies, ‘cause I need one in my life please and thank you.