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Sophie Turner’s X-Men: Dark Phoenix Poster Is An Artistic Interpretation Made For The Wrong Time Period

Still keen though.

Dark Phoenix is the final movie in the X-Men franchise, and with Game of Throne’s Sophie Turner taking on the starring role it looks appropriately awesome.

It’s very clear that Sophie Turner’s talent extends far beyond what we’ve seen from her as Lady Sansa Stark. In this X-Men film, she plays Jean Grey as she transforms into the iconic Dark Phoenix the X-Men family and entire planet that she once loved.

Basically, she gets to be the Bad Guy, and the power suits her…Just saying #Sansa4Queen.

According to the X-Men timeline, the film is set in the 90s. Which is why this final release poster for Dark Phoenix doesn’t seem quite right.

Although it looks great, and Sophie Turner is slaying as the centrepiece, the poster is a distinctly 80s aesthetic. It throws back to that era of painted movie posters that were emblematic of films like E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, The Goonies and Back to the Future.

But for a film set in the 90s it just doesn’t make sense.

It’s also an odd choice considering the 80s painted poster angle has been recently revived by one of the biggest shows around: Stranger Things. 

Considering the high-profile popularity of Stranger Things and the fact that the poster aesthetic actually matches the period setting of the show, it seems an odd direction for X-Men to take. I have faith that Dark Phoenix will be an epic movie, but the target audience is attentive to the point of being picky, so it can’t afford too many choices that are interpreted as missteps.

Lucky for them the poster still looks great, and having Sophie Turner’s face on it makes it pretty impossible to dislike.

Dark Phoenix is set to be released on June 6 in Australia.