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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Is The 'Frozen' Movie Just A Distraction From Walt Disney's Frozen Head?

People will not let it go.

Frozen 2 might not be out til December 26th in Australia, but people have been binging the original on Disney+ in anticipation of the release. Seeing as so many of us are Googling Frozen 2, it seems like as good a time as any to bring up the conspiracy about us Googling Frozen the first time around. 

Walt Disney died of lung cancer over 50 years ago, and for reasons I will never quite understand, rumours kicked off that he’d been cryogenically frozen in the hopes that he could one day be reanimated. 

It all seems to have begun after a reporter claimed that he snuck into a storage room in the hospital Walt Disney died in, and saw his body floating in a cryogenic metal cylinder. So that’s fun.

There are different details in different retellings of this conspiracy theory. Some people swear it’s just his head instead of his whole body, and according to some people he’s currently chilling (lol) underneath Disneyland’s Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

Anyway, fast forward to 2013, and Frozen had just come out to massive box office success. Of course this made life harder for people wanting to Google the conspiracy theory because googling “Disney Frozen” brought up the movie. So of course another conspiracy theory was born: Frozen was only made to distract us from cryogenically frozen Walt. 

I’m sorry to tell you that no, Walt Disney isn’t actually bobbing around in an ice cube somewhere. He was cremated two days after his death in 1966, and his daughter reckons there’s a pretty good chance her dad had never even heard of cryonics. 

As we all gear up for Frozen 2, Google searches are obviously going to skyrocket, but somehow I remain doubtful that Disney would use all the resources it did on the original Frozen just to mess with the Google search results. Stranger things have happened, for sure – but the Walt-cicle theory is not one of them.