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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Tim Allen, Mate, Stop Trying To Defend Using 'Provocative Words' Like The N-Word

There are better hills to die on than this one, Tim.

One of the strangest – and dumbest – topics of discussion that has come up in recent years and caused something of a generational divide is the notion of “PC” or “woke” culture. The latest Hollywood star of a bygone era to share their two cents on the matter is none other than Tim Allen, who had some interesting views on the usage of “provocative words” like the N-word.

Speaking of “problematic things people thought are still okay today”…

Appearing on The View, Allen went on a tirate against the “PC culture” today (which isn’t a thing) and had an almighty whinge over how older comedians like himself can’t tell certain, problematic jokes without getting in trouble.

“And you know, what I got to do sometimes sometimes is explain – which I hate – in big arenas, that this is a thought police thing and I do not like it. But when I use these words, this is my intent behind those words. So as long as you know my intent… I still get people who say, ‘Just don’t say it.’ And I said I’m not going to do that.

“I’m surprised they haven’t [run him out of town] because I do use some provocative words, but I tell them, it’s words I really got from my parents,” They said this stuff. When we talked about it… We can’t even say this stuff. Can’t even point to it.”

Uh huh, right. I hear what you’re saying there, Tim Allen, but maybe instead of blaming “PC culture” (again, not a thing) for your inability to say “provocative words”, perhaps you should look at why this is more an issue with you rather than the culture.

The comedy climate has changed dramatically since the 80s and Tim Allen, mate, you’re still stuck in the past. Instead of adapting and updating your material for audiences today, you’re just having a whinge over your old stuff no longer being relevant.

So instead of going around complaining about younger generations not allowing you to be “funny,” maybe go and come up with new, updated material that doesn’t require you to use problematic words.

Having said all that, we shouldn’t be surprised that a white conservative middle-aged “comedian” like Tim Allen is going around blaming “PC culture” for not being funny anymore.

The guy has had a history of complaining about being allowed to say the N-word as much as he wants as long as there is no “racist” intent behind it, so having him whinge about “PC culture” is actually pretty tame compared to his previous complaints. Plus it shows how he still doesn’t get the context as to why using the N-word as a white man is offensive.

So Tim Allen, mate, if you’re still doing the same jokes that involve using the N-word from decades ago and you’re not getting the same laughs as you once were, don’t blame the audience, blame yourself for not updating your material.

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