It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Charlize Theron Having A Meltdown While Playing Ouija Board Is My Forever Mood

“I don’t feel good about this.”

Today in unusual things on the internet, absolute angel Charlize Theron and funny guy Nick Kroll have been put through cruel and unnatural torture… in the form of a Ouija board game.

The actors, who were chatting with Cosmopolitan about their upcoming film The Addams Family, were asked to participate in the series ‘Celebs Play Ouija Against Their Will’ and sweet holy hell, Theron was not okay.

In case you weren’t tormented as a youth by friends who made you engage in this kind of sh*t, I’ll give you a quick intro.

The board, which is believed to have originated in Ohio in the 1800s, is detailed with the alphabet, the words ‘yes’ and ‘no’, and numbers zero through nine. It has long been used as a means of communicating with the spirit world.

Users take the planchette (a small pointed piece of wood, usually) place at least one finger on it, and ask questions. The spirits they’re communicating with are believed to guide the planchette to the letters and numbers on the board to give answers.

Wow, I hate this stuff.
Credit: Paramount Pictures

Okay, back to the video.

Early on in the mix, Kroll decided to tell the story of when he last engaged in a little bit of spooky Ouija.

“I played Ouija board in an abandoned hotel with these three kids once,” he said.

It’s at this point the panic begins to flare up in Theron.

“It’s so stupid, why would you do that?” she asked.

“Every movie tells you not to do that.”

“Because none of us believed in spirits. They’re all dead now,” Kroll replied.

While it’s all very cute and funny, it’s also abundantly clear that Theron is genuinely freaked out by the prospect of summoning a spirit through a creepy board. And, as anyone who’s ever seen The Exorcist knows, she should be.

As the Monster actor becomes increasingly fidgety in her seat, she tells Kroll, “I am a little unsettled by this. I get all my information from films, and every film always told me don’t f*ck with this.”  

“I don’t feel good about this. I have a crystal in my pocket.”

As the pair begins the process, she mentions that her publicist should expect an earful, then literally screams, “I don’t want to do this. Why am I doing this?!”

If you were ever a teenager who was forced to watch scary movies, to mess with Ouija boards or to try the whole ‘light as a feather, stiff as a board’ bit, you will one hundred per cent relate to this video.

Nope. Nope. Nope.
Credit: Columbia Pictures

Theron’s face fills with terror as she continually warns Kroll not to freak her out. I’ve never felt so close to an incredibly beautiful, ridiculously rich, famous person before.

If this video proves anything, it’s that spooky games absolutely do not become less freaky with age, and no one should be pressured to engage with them, no matter how “cool” your friend Melissa thinks it’s going to be.