It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Cardi B Only Just Realised Childish Gambino And Donald Glover Are The Same Person So Just Checking, So... We're All Clear On That Right?

It turns out Twitter may not be the best place to ponder aloud about the fact that Childish Gambino and Donald Glover look a bit alike and they could secretly be the same person. But then, we've all been through this. Haven't we Drake? Miley?

Hey, Cardi B! We’ve all been there.

You think you’ve had an amazing epiphany, only to realise that it is anything but. (Hey CCs stands for corn chips! Tinder is about looking for a spark! Ponies are not baby horses.)

So, don’t feel bad for not realising that Childish Gambino and musician/actor Donald Glover are the same person. It could have happened to the best of us.

I mean it didn’t. It happened to you. REALLY publicly.

In a series of now deleted tweets, the rapper wrote:

“It’s amazing how Donald Glover and Childish Gambino look so much alike. I think they secretly the same person!!! So dope!!”


A few minutes later, she tweeted:

“Wait, I’m confuse now?!”

Then… she pressed delete.

Thankfully the internet wasn’t too “confuse” to forget to screen grab.

In better news for Cardi, many on Twitter were in a forgiving mood and began instead recounting their own cases of mistaken identity.

Now I’m not above joining the fray because again, it happens to the best of us!

Let’s just say out loud, very loud, and very clear, a couple of other career-change flashbacks that everyone totally definitely knows about, shall we? Just to save some poor schmuck from getting roasted in the group chat.

Drake played Jimmy on Degrassi: The Next Generation

This one is an easy error to make because Aubrey Drake Graham was only 15 when he began portraying the star basketball player, Jimmy Brooks from Degrassi: The Next Generation.

It’s been a long time between that and him becoming one of the biggest stars in the world, OK?


Drake, I mean Jimmy, later used a wheelchair after being shot by a classmate.

Excuse me as I try to collect myself from that sad memory.

Wait, still need a moment.

Okay, I think I’m alright.

No wait…

Okay… deep breaths. I’m fine.

I think.

And just so we’re clear, we all know that Miley Cyrus was Hannah Montana the whole time, right?

Not to come across as too obtuse (or too shallow a fanboy) when I finally put two and two together, and realised that Miley used to play Hannah Montana AND her alter ego on the popular Disney show, it blew my mind a little.

Kind of like some kind of… giant… breaking… thing.


But at least it was less of an emotionally draining experience, since, as far as I’m aware, Hannah didn’t suffer the sort of misfortune that befell Jimmy.

Oh, no!

All the Jimmy feels are coming back.


So next time you’re thinking about trolling Cardi B for her faux revelation that Childish Gambino and Donald Glover were the same person, just remember that time you were asked:

Won’t somebody please think of Drake?