It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Early Reviews For Captain Marvel Are In And The Love For It Is Pretty Much Universal

Called it.

Several film critics were lucky enough to see Captain Marvel several weeks before its March 8th release date, and the verdicts are in: it’s fantastic.


90s nostalgia + badass Brie Larson + a scene-stealing cat + banter with Samuel L Jackson? Yes please. And let’s not forget the old lady punch we saw in the trailer.

The critics tweeted their responses to the movie yesterday, while at the same time, outlets were reporting that sexist trolls were already trying to tank the film’s score on Rotten Tomatoes.

The men – and make no mistake, the majority of the trolls are men – were responding to an interview that the movie’s star gave to Marie Claire.

In the interview, Brie Larson commented on the lack of diversity in film criticism, and said that after she started paying attention to how diverse her own press days were, she “decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive” moving forward. Terrible, right?

But it looks like their attempt to dull the movie’s shine isn’t working. If critics, who are notoriously harder to please than audiences, enjoyed the movie this much, it bodes well for the film’s prospects come March 8th.

(Psst: while the movie comes out on March 8th in the US, many cinemas across Australia will be showing it from the 6th. Just a heads up.)