It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Captain Marvel Director Says Their Stan Lee Tribute Will 100% Make You Ugly-Sob

Higher. Further. Faster. Sadder.

Look, we knew this was coming.

The first MCU movie since Stan Lee’s death last year was obviously going to include a touching tribute to the late Marvel icon.

And you were already primed for a good Stan-induced sob after his beautiful, sly, perfect cameo (or rather, cameos) in Into The Spider-Verse.

But here is official confirmation: the Stan moment in Captain Marvel isn’t going to be ‘touching’ but rather ‘picking you up and giving you a near-fatal python squeeze of super hectic nerd feelings’.

Co-director Anna Boden told Metro UK that the moment was “really emotional”.

“So I don’t want to say anything I’m not supposed to say, but just that it was… we did want to kind of have a moment and tribute to Stan Lee in this movie, obviously,” she said.

“It was something that came from Marvel and when they showed it to us, there was not a dry eye in the house. It was really emotional.”

Cool. Coolcoolcool.

I didn’t cry three separate times in Into The Spider-Verse or anything, so I’m sure that watching the MCU’s first woman-led movie won’t have me primed to sob with my entire body before we even get to the bit with the Stan-feelings.

Pictured: me, being totally fine.

Captain Marvel is finally in cinemas this week, and early reviews are not so much glowing as blinding.

I can’t wait to see how totally fine we’re all going to be.