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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Let The Heartwarming Tale Of A Book That Finally Sold After 28 Years On The Shelf Give You Hope For Your Love Life

If there's a market for a children's history of William The Conqueror, maybe there's someone out there for you too.

At a lovely wedding a few years ago, I witnessed a speech in which the father of the bride mused on how he always wondered if she would be “one of life’s shelf girls”. As in, left on the shelf.

Being several wines deep by that point, and on the last table to be served dinner, I’m a little fuzzy on the exact phrasing, but that term – and the looks my friends and I shot one another as we buried our faces in our glasses of pinot gris – will haunt me forever.

“Shelf girl”.

If you’re feeling like one of life’s shelf people, don’t lose hope! My friend (who, to be clear, is a goddess – she just has standards) found her person, and so did one lonely book that had been languishing in a British bookshop for 27 years.

The tweet from an unassuming archaeologist and part-time Broadhurst bookseller went viral, with 126,000 faves and counting. The 700+ replies are a wholesome mix of retail veterans sharing similar tales of long-lingering stock items (and roasting Piers Morgan), and people who were extremely happy for the book itself now that it had finally found its forever home.

The volume in question was a biography of William The Conqueror written for kids, priced at 99p.

Understandable, perhaps, that it’s not the kind of book that sells out on the regular. But hey, not being in high demand just means you’re a niche interest, for people of refined taste who will truly appreciate you.

Maybe there’s a seven-year-old history buff who is going to be absolutely stoked when she opens up her present from Uncle Nigel on Christmas morning – and there’s someone out there who’s just waiting to discover your awkward laugh and unique taste in cologne.

In the meantime, chill out on your shelf. One day, you’ll be exactly what somebody’s looking for.