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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

There's A 1000-Piece Colour-Changing Puzzle On The Market, If You're Really Into Slow, Frustrating Torture

That puzzle, designed by artist Clemens Habicht, seems less like a good time and more like a form of masochism.

Have you ever wanted to torture yourself very, very slowly, and in ways that the human mind really can’t comprehend? Well, do we have the puzzle experience for you!

French artist Clemens Habicht has released a 1000-piece puzzle where each piece changes colour. Using a lenticular printing method, each piece is either one colour or another, ultimately destroying one of the primary ways most humans have solved puzzles for centuries.

According to a blurb on the MoMA Store website, Habicht “was inspired by the blue sky of a particularly difficult puzzle. He found that relying on an intuitive sense of colour was much more satisfying—and therapeutic—than putting together the image-based areas of the puzzle.” Which, like sure, but I don’t believe you for a second. This is a form of torture.

This isn’t even Habicht’s first rodeo. He first made headlines a year ago for making a puzzle based on the entire CYMK colour spectrum. Since then, his mad scientist ways drove him to make something even more infuriatingly difficult.

That said, the completed puzzle is very pretty. A video of a Redditor completing the puzzle made it to the front page of the link-sharing website, under the subreddit r/oddlysatisfying.

This 1000 piece holographic monstrosity I just finished from oddlysatisfying

If you are into this sort of thing (no shame if you are), you can buy a copy for about $100 plus shipping here.

Just don’t come running to us when you eventually break some furniture in frustration.