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Some Aussies Made A Board Game Called Gobby And We Don't Know Why They Called It That Either

Apparently the game is suitable for those aged 16 and over. Good to know.

Just as you thought the board game world couldn’t get weirder when the Dr Pimple Popper game was announced, a bunch of Aussies have somehow managed to push it from “weird” and straight into “oh, dear lord why” territory.

After successfully Kickstarting a new board game project back in 2016, a group of board game makers hailing from the Gold Coast have recently dropped the results of their hard work onto the world.

The name of their new board game? The delightfully titled GOBBY.

I don’t think I need to tell anyone what “gobby” means but just in case you forgot or genuinely have no idea, I’ll let the wondrous oasis of slang definitions that is Urban Dictionary explain everything.

Alright let’s get the chuckles out of the way now.

The actual board game – which is aimed at those aged 16 and older – features nothing related to the act of receiving or giving a “gobby” and is actually fun-sounding barrel of shenanigans in which you put together random phrases using cards before trying to say those phrases for other players to guess.

The catch is that you have to say these phrases while wearing a plastic mouthpiece (called a gobby), which makes speaking or any mouth-related activities incredibly difficult.

It also turns your face into something straight out of a B-grade zombie movie.

GOBBY actually sounds like a lot of dumb fun, which means its makers either didn’t know what the name meant (doubtful) or simply wanted a fun term to draw in everyone’s attention (definitely this). Either way, they absolutely got my attention, which probably says more about me and my state of mind than it does of the game and its makers.

The game certainly sounds fun, but let’s focus for a moment about those plastic mouth pieces. According to the official GOBBY website, gobbys are made from BPA-free dental grade plastic and can be reused once you dunk it in some hot water after being used. Yay …?

We all know that plastics are bad for us in too many ways to count, but I don’t think there’s enough hot water in the world to erase the thought of biting down on something that was previously dripping in someone else’s saliva and other mouth stuffs.

So I guess there are some body fluids involved in the GOBBY board game after all.