Category: Bill Shorten

Scott Morrison And Bill Shorten's Latest Encounter Was More Playground Fight Than Political Debate

Alright you two, take it behind the gym after school.

Bill Shorten Runs Like Phoebe From Friends And We Are All Rachel

The one you can't unsee.

Let's Call Time On Politicians Pretending To Be Interested In Sport Because They Think It Makes Them 'Relatable'

It's the hi-vis vest of the soul.

The Election Has Been Called So Let The Hunger Games Commence!

May the odds be ever in your favour, representative democracy!

Here's The Proof That This Australian Parliament Was The Most Rubbish Ever

Can the next parliament possibly get worse? If so, it's got some hard acts to follow.

Parliament Ended The Year In True Parliamentary Style - An Absolute Shambolic Mess

If you were playing a political-stunt drinking game, you'd have been unconscious by midday.

Bill Shorten Is Being Beaten By Yet Another Liberal PM So Why Don't Labor Just Dump Him?

It's the dabbing, isn't it? It's the dabbing.

If There's One Thing Today's Newspoll Confirms It's That People Still Really Don't Care For Bill Shorten

Which is a shame, since the polls also confirm that Scott Morrison's prime ministerial tenure isn't looking secure.

Bill Shorten Actually Landed A Genuine Zinger Over The Weekend And It Was A Good One

Look, we're a bit surprised too.

Why Can't Australian Politicians Eat Like Normal People?

Politics attracts a very specific type of person - one, evidently, which doesn't know how this "eating in public" thing works.

Government Tries Making "Unbelieva-Bill" A Scorching Burn, Instead Gives Shorten Some Killer '90s Nostalgia

Their purple prose just gives them away.