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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

If You Can't Wipe Your Own Arse, It's Time To Ditch Acrylic Nails

We need to get real.

Acrylic nails are the fugliest thing to ever exist on the face of the planet. Especially the kind of nails that are so long they curve on the ends.



No man/woman/sane person wants to know you can cut them in their sleep with your bare hands.

Like seriously, in what world is this attractive?

-elle fanning-

Just looking at the pictures makes my skin crawl.

Just looking at the pictures makes my skin crawl.

More importantly how the hell is this functional? Don’t you want to use your hands?

As a general rule, if you can’t perform basic tasks because of your acrylic nails then they’re not good.

For those of you who are in denial/just plain stupid, basic tasks include:

  • Buttoning up your own clothes
  • Texting
  • Opening/gripping anything (if you can’t close your first you have a problem)
  • Scraping something out of a jar
  • Holding any item securely in your hands
  • Wiping your own damn arse

That last one opened my eyes to a whole new world of information and I will never be able to get back the part of me I lost in the darkness.

Basically, people with really long nails don’t wipe their bum like the majority of the human race (from front to back in a scooping motion). Why? Because wiping your arse with your palm facing inwards means you’re likely to get crap stuck under your nails.

The longer the nail, the more crap. It’s very problematic.


Instead people with acrylics have to flip their hands so their fingers are facing upwards and place a sheet of toilet paper on top for maximum wipage.

I wish I was joking.

SO nasty.

This knowledge started a horror-induced discussion between me and my friends about the logistics of arse-wiping and why someone would choose to put themselves through that.

We’re not the only ones asking these question either. There’s whole YouTube videos dedicated to the topic and Google search results too.

I can’t believe I just searched that…

Yep, I went to some pretty sick places trying to find some answers. But no amount of trawling the internet could convince me that acrylic nails are a good idea (even the short kind).

TLTR: Acrylics in any form are an abomination. If you can’t wipe your own arse they got to go.