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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The First Trailer For Batwoman Is Here And We Would Love To See Her Take On All The Whiney Bros

We shouldn't be too surprised that the trailer got the kind of whinging response that it did.

It’s been months since word got out that a Batwoman TV show starring Ruby Rose as the titular character is coming and our patience has been rewarded big time because the first trailer has finally been dropped.

And folks, it actually looks pretty good.

The show focuses on Bruce Wayne’s cousin, Kate Kate, who is forced into being Gotham’s new Caped Crusader because Batman has decided to go AWOL for some reason. Borrowing her cousin’s supersuit, Kate is forced to take on the Alice In Wonderland gang while also juggling her personal life in the process.

It’s pretty classic CW superhero TV fare but hey, it works. Check out the trailer right here:

Okay, the action is pretty good and absolutely loving Kate’s “it will be [perfect] when it fits a woman” quip regarding the reason why she wants to modify the Batsuit, and her explanation as to why she wears a wig (“I’m not about to let a man take credit for a woman’s work”) is just brilliant.

Unsurprisingly, the internet had quite the reaction to the Batwoman trailer as people complained about things like Ruby’s performance, the suit, Ruby’s performance, the “radical feminist” lines, and did I mention Ruby’s performance?

Funnily enough, there wasn’t that much chatter about Kate kissing her (ex) girlfriend. Make of that what you will.

There will undoubtedly be issues with Batwoman but the amount of criticism leveled at it and Ruby is a bit disproportionate based on what we’ve seen so far.

It seems like we’re still at that juncture where entitled fanboys are going to be triggered by anything starring a badass woman, especially when she is portrayed as, you know, a functioning human being and not someone’s teenage fantasy.

So in response to all the replies to Batwoman so far, just give it a chance, it’s only a trailer, it’ll get better. That’s something fans love to dish out willy-nilly when it comes to things like this after all so I don’t see why that doesn’t apply here.

Enough said.

While we have no clue when Batwoman will premiere (likely towards the end of 2019), we do know it’ll get one season at the very least so we can probably expect a fair share of badass Kate/Batwoman and the possibility of a nasty fan petition demanding that the show be rewritten or something.