It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The World Is Facing A Craig Shortage And You Should Cherish The Craigs You Still Have

Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for Craig.

Say, how many Craigs have you got in your life?

If your answer is “not as many as I once did” then congratulations, you have identified the Craig shortage which is currently gripping the English speaking world.

The Guardian have noted that the name is in danger of disappearing altogether in the UK, but here in Australia it’s already possibly extinct in the wild.

Despite being one of the Australianest names imaginable, its apex came in the 1960s. Tragically, Craig dropped out of the top 100 boys names in 1992 and hasn’t reappeared since.

And to think there was a time when our most respected Bo Selectas reported that Craig David was all over our [sproing].

And the Craigpocalypse is sweeping the globe.

According to Babycentre the current Craig-rate is one per 88 per million births, and trended at the 1290th most popular boys name in 2018 (which was still a 201 position jump from 2017). In fact, there’s been a gentle increase since 2015, but a full Craignaissance still appears to be a ways off.

Especially in Australia where the most prominent ones are… shall we say, controversial?

Ah, for those halcyon, unproblematic days…

So if you have access to Craigs, protect and nurture them. They are a dwindling resource which must be preserved. If necessary, by freezing them in carbonite like Han Solo.

So reach out to the Craigs you love, while we still can, lest future generations face a bleak, Craigless existence.