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What Loose Ends Remain Untied In The Marvel Cinematic Universe After Avengers: Endgame?

There's only so many plot threads you can wrap up in a three-hour movie.




Now that Avengers: Endgame is out, we finally got answers to some of the biggest questions we all had prior to its release, such as whether Ant-Man gets shoved up Thanos’ butt as part of a winning strategy (he does not, sadly), and whether Tony Stark and Steve Rogers will die (one does and the other is nearly there via old age).

But despite its bladder-bursting three-hour running time and the resolution of a number of established character arcs and plot points, there are still a bunch of questions that remain unanswered  in Endgame.

So without further ado, here are a bunch of loose ends that remain untied in the Marvel Cinematic Universe post-Endgame. Please note that while we did our best, there’s a chance a couple may have slipped through because we’re only human and not genius raccoons from another planet. And lastly, this is about “loose plot threads” not plot holes or stuff like that so there won’t be nitpicking at things like the movie’s time travel logic.

Where’s Nebula and 2014-Gamora go?

Gamora makes her return but its not the Guardians of the Galaxy version we know and love as her characterisation is essentially reset thanks to the timeline manipulations of Endgame.

She is seen surviving Tony’s Infinity Gauntlet-clad finger snap at the final battle’s climax but isn’t seen anywhere after that and Peter Quill is seen searching for her at the end. Where could she have gone, especially since she likely doesn’t even have a ship at this point?

On that note, where is Nebula? She seems to have also disappeared after Tony’s funeral. Perhaps she helped 2014-Gamora escape or something, hence why Quill is looking for his green-skinned girlfriend (who really isn’t his girlfriend).

Perhaps we’ll get a sisterly side-adventure starring these two.

What’s the deal with Asgard now that everyone is revived?

It’s shown in Endgame that the surviving Asgardians following Thanos’ attack in Infinity War are peacefully living in some Nordic-looking place on Earth.

But after all the dusted Asgardians were revived following Tony’s finger snap, what does this leave them? They had a whole planet to themselves and there is simply no way Earth is big enough to house both humans and Asgardians, even taking into account all those who couldn’t be revived through the second snap.

Perhaps they weren’t on Earth at all. After all, Rocket and Hulk were seen flying off somewhere before jumping on a truck to New Asgard so maybe the duo flew to a different planet before trekking it for the final leg.

What does this mean for the Avengers as a group?

The Avengers were technically disbanded a few movies ago but Black Widow is seen heading up some pseudo version of the group in Endgame after Thanos’ snappening so it seems like it still exists in some form.

But now that a number of key characters involved in this are dead, does this mean the pseudo-Avengers are no more or will someone else head up the group?

Maybe all the characters will do their own thing in their own TV series or perhaps there will be a new generation of Avengers to replace them.

The new Hawkeye?

Where the heck is Abomination?

After being locked up following the events of The Incredible Hulk in 2008, we’ve heard virtually nothing about Abomination other than some passing references in Agents of SHIELD about his incarceration.

He’s still alive and kicking around as far as we know so it’s probably time to bring back Hulk’s nemesis for another go around.

What’s the future of the Iron Man character?

We’ve dug into this previously and predicted that the random teenager at Tony’s funeral will take up the mantle of Iron Man. However, that’s just a prediction and there could be other successors for the mantle, such as Pepper Potts (who has her own suit of armour) and Tony and Pepper’s young daughter, Morgan (though not for a few years since she’s just a kid).

Or there’s the possibility that there’s no more Iron Man and we’ll have to make do with Rhodey as War Machine. A world without Iron Man. Now that’s a depressing thought.

Not anymore…

What happened to Apex Legends and all the other battle royale games?

Okay, so it’s established that a five-year time skip happened and Endgame takes place mostly around 2023-2024. Thor and his mates are seen enjoying a game of Fortnite and that brings up two big questions: will people still be playing Fortnite 4-5 years from now and what happened to other big battle royale games like Apex Legends?

Fortnite remains popular but its popularity is challenged these days by the likes of Call of Duty and Apex Legends so perhaps future Marvel movies can explain just how that game continues to thrive in the MCU. This is important, dammit.

Where’s Loki?

Loki was killed by Thanos in Infinity War but another version now exists after some time travel shenanigans by Steve, Tony, and Scott Lang that resulted in a new branching timeline in which the God of Mischief escapes the battle of New York (depicted in the first Avengers film) with tesseract.

So where did he go and what’s he going to do with the tesseract? Perhaps those questions will be answered in his upcoming solo limited series TV show, which is going to be the greatest thing ever because it’ll essentially be a Tom Hiddleston charm offensive spread across eight or so episodes..