It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Avengers 4 Trailer Is Here And Oh God Please Just Release It Already

That's the sound of me hyperventilating.

The Russo Brothers dropped the trailer for the fourth Avengers movie just before midnight last night, and the internet promptly lost its collective shit.

The majority of the trailer sees Tony Stark in space, and recording a message for Pepper Potts using one of his Iron Man helmets. Things sound pretty bleak:

“Just for the record, being adrift in space with zero promise of being rescued is more fun than it sounds.”

His food and water’s run out, his oxygen is about to run out; safe to say, things are not looking good for our hero.

Then it cuts to some shots of Thanos in a field or something – honestly, who knows what that guy’s up to. Hopefully hiding somewhere the Avengers will be able to find him.

Black Widow’s narration confirms that Thanos successfully wiped out 50% of all living creatures, which we knew, but it sucks to hear all the same.

We then see some of the other Avengers – Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk – at the Avengers headquarters, and the trailer then shows us some of the other heroes who have survived: Thor, Nebula, and Hawkeye.

Black Widow assures Cap that “this is going to work”, to which he responds, “I know it is. Because I don’t know what I’m going to do if it doesn’t.”

And then it cuts to the Avengers: End Game logo.

But wait! It’s not over yet.

We then see Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man, ringing the buzzer at Avengers HQ, much to the surprise of everyone inside.

And that’s the trailer for one of the most hyped movies of 2019. April can’t come soon enough.

Watch it for yourself here: