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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Here's The Reason Captain Marvel Is Wearing More Make-Up In Avengers: Endgame

Let's just get that out of the way.

The recent couple of clips saw Captain Marvel finally rub shoulders with the rest of the surviving Avengers and this brought up a couple of interesting questions from fans.

Where was Captain Marvel when the Snappening has going down? Is she powerful enough to take down Thanos? And the most important question of all, why is Carol wearing more make-up in Endgame than in Captain Marvel?

I like this one.

Of all the odd and interesting questions that have come up over the last few weeks about Endgame, including whether putting Ant-Man up Thanos’ butt is a good strategy, fans seem to be really fascinated with Carol’s make-up. Given how she wore nearly no make-up in Captain Marvel, which was directed by a man and woman, compared to Endgame, which was directed by two men, it’s a valid observation that bears answering.

During a recent press junket interview with io9Endgame director Joe Russo explained everything and the reasoning is pretty simple. He and his brother Anthony give suggestions to the actors on character looks but leave the actors to make the final call themselves with whatever they want so they can feel comfortable.

“We empower them to have control over their characters because they need to be comfortable playing those characters.”

So they might say to Chris Evans, “Cap should have a beard”, but it’ll be Chris’ call on how long it should be on whether he should go full cave man or Fu Manchu, or they might tell Scarlett Johansson that they think Black Widow should have a new hair style because of the time that’s passed but it’ll be up to her what sort of haircut or colour the character should have.

For Carol, it was actually Brie Larson’s first time playing the character as she filmed Endgame before Captain Marvel and Carol’s look was ultimately down to the choices Brie and her make-up team made for the film. The Russos also noted that as it got closer to filming Captain Marvel, Brie got better at understanding Carol and made other creative choices accordingly, hence the different looks between films.

So there you have it folks, there’s no drama or sexist reason behind why Carol wears more make-up in Endgame, just a couple of directors being good directors.

And for that we must thank them because this freedom gave us stupid, sexy bearded Steve Rogers, who sadly appears to have shaved off all his face fuzz for Endgame and that in itself is a tragedy.

You will be missed, sexy bearded Captain America.