It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Fans Have Already Worked Out The Devastating Reason Hawkeye’s Back In Avengers: Endgame

Brb, crying nonstop until May.

Spoiler warning: this post kind of assumes you’re up to date with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, particularly Ant-Man & The Wasp.

Look, Hawkeye isn’t everyone’s favourite MCU character. He’s surly, not as funny as he is in the comics, and whenever he’s out there cosplaying Katniss Everdeen next to literal gods and monsters, there’s always been an element of “…him?”

So not that many people minded his total absence from Infinity War, which was explained away with a single line: like Scott “Ant-Man” Lang, the only other Avenger who’s a parent, Clint Barton took a post-Civil War plea deal that allowed him to serve the rest of his sentence under house arrest.

Then he turns up in the Avengers: Endgame trailer looking like a goth Green Arrow:

Now, why would such a devoted family man suddenly go all sword-guy when he spent all of the fight against Thanos, a threat to literally the entire universe, perfecting his pancake-flipping technique and reconnecting with his beautiful wife Lindsay Weir From Freaks & Geeks?

Because his family is dead. They all got Snapped. Sorry.

As we learned from the end of Ant-Man, “50% of all living things” doesn’t mean “50% of the people in any given group” – an entire family could all happen to be in the dusted half.

In the comics, after his traumatic Civil War experience (no spoilers, but yeah, it’s bad), Clint Barton takes on a persona called Ronin (not to be confused with Ronan The Accuser, the Kree baddie played by Lee Pace in the Guardians Of The Galaxy movies and the upcoming Captain Marvel).

A ronin is a samurai who serves no master – the whole vibe is very “brooding, lethal loner”.

Also, there’s a pretty telling cut in the trailer:

So yeah. Tony’s message to Pepper isn’t even the most devastating part of the trailer – even Hawkeye’s gonna make you cry in this one.