It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Avengers Directors The Russo Brothers Confirmed Heaps Of Infinity War Details, Including Stan Lee Cameos And Who's Really Dead

Still no Avengers 4 trailer, though.

After a fan-packed screening of Avengers: Infinity War in LA, directors the Russo Brothers did a marathon Q&A with the audience. For two whole hours.

Of course, they kicked of by saying they wouldn’t be answering any questions about the fourth Avengers film, which still doesn’t have a trailer or even a title. (There goes that theory.)

But they did confirm a few details that rule things out for A4. Spoilers for Infinity War start here, but honestly, why are you still reading?

For one thing, Loki is definitely, definitely dead.

OK then. Sorry, Hiddlestans.

Also dead? 3/4 of the Asgardians who made it onto the ship in Thor: Ragnarok. Half of them were murdered at the beginning of Infinity War, just before Loki ate it, and then half of the ones left over were dusted in the Snappening.


And that flash-forward from Homecoming you’re clinging to as hope that Peter Parker eventually becomes not-dead? Cancelled… sort of.

Also, they totally tried to involve the Netflix MCU heroes in Infinity War – Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Daredevil might have been helpful on some level, surely? But it was too hard to coordinate the various timelines.

Yeah, we kind of got that from the way Luke Cage S2 and Daredevil S3 had zero indication half the population on New York were turned into ash.

Either way, depending on how that was phrased, exactly, that’s the firmest confirmation we have so far that the TV shows aren’t considered exactly “MCU” anymore.

And they shared some nice details about the late, great Stan Lee: that he never rejected a cameo idea, and that he had jokes.

The whole Q&A will be up on soon, but for now, here’s a whole Twitter thread from a journo in attendance. Feel free to torture yourself with every detail.