It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The New Avengers: Endgame Posters Confirm One Character We Didn’t See Get Dusted Definitely Did

To make up for it, another beloved character is confirmed to make their long-awaited return.

To mark the 30-day countdown before Avengers: Endgame is finally here to wreck us all with quips and feels, Marvel has released a posters of nearly every major character in the franchise, all of whom will presumably make in appearance in the film.

But just like how the Endgame trailers have been toying with us this whole time, these posters have come in with a major bombshell that just shattered fans everywhere.

Every character who is still alive got a coloured poster whereas all the characters who got dusted by Thanos in Infinity War got a solemn black and white poster.

But here’s the big twist: among the sea of black and white character posters is one of Shuri, meaning that she also got turned to ash by Thanos even though we didn’t see it onscreen.

After holding out hope that she somehow survived, that theory of Shuri managing to survive and ruling Wakanda until T’Challa’s inevitable return just went up like half of all living creatures in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

On the other hand, at least we also got confirmation that Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie is alive and ready to kick some ass so there’s some consolation there.

Shuri’s confirmed dusting is a massive shock but it seems like we’ve all been living in denial for the last few months because the very first Endgame trailer actually confirmed her death with blink-or-you’ll-miss moment.

We can’t blame the fans for calling BS on that though. After all, the Russo Brothers have gleefully admitted that all the trailers for most recent Marvel films contain scenes that aren’t in the final cut.

It was heartbreaking enough to see the likes of Peter Parker and Groot get dusted, but killing off Shuri has just kick things up a notch because having arguably smartest person on Earth not survive Thanos’ snap is a bit too cruel.

The upshot is that she’ll definitely come back at some point during Endgame‘s bladder-torturing 3-hour plus run time so we won’t have to worry too much.

But with the Avengers seemingly ready to finish off Thanos once and for all in the upcoming film, here’s hoping that they make the Mad Titan pay for what he’s done and if the best way to do it means shoving Ant-Man up his butt then so be it.

As for Marvel, here’s what I and many fans have to say about Shuri’s dusting:

No words needed here.