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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Avengers: Endgame Screenwriters Reveal How Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and Hawkeye Fit Into The Film

Unsurprisingly, it wasn't an easy task!

We’re only a few days away from the release of Avengers: Endgame and finally seeing the aftermath of Infinity War which saw Thanos kill half of every living creature and many of our favourite heroes.

But in case you, like us, were wondering how a number of characters from the MCU fit into Endgame, screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have come through with the answers. Well, mostly.

Speaking with Buzzfeed, the writers revealed they began working on the screenplay for the film in 2015. Since then there have been nine Marvel films released, so a bunch of movies such as Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and the Wasp and Black Panther hadn’t even been written when they began work.

They explained that they had to write scenes for Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel, despite the fact she hadn’t even shot the Captain Marvel film. The same goes for the scenes set in Wakanda which were written before even one Black Panther scene had been shot. With the timeline of the release of Black Panther, however, the writers were able to make changes based on what the cast had done in the film.

Despite the fact Captain Marvel was released seven weeks before Endgame, Larson had to shoot all her Endgame scenes before shooting any of her own film.

McFeely said it was a “bizarre” experience for the writers, “So we’re writing a character that needs to be a strong character in our movie knowing that, whoever she is, she’s 20 years removed from an entire movie that’s going to give you a really good sense of who she is. But, by the way, no one’s written that yet.”

“So all we can do is our best.”

Thankfully, Captain Marvel directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck spent time on the Endgame set so they could consult on the character.

McFeely said, “[We were] saying, ‘Does this seem like theoretically it would ruin anything you might do?’”

“And they said, ‘No.’ It was a lot of trust. And kudos to Brie for giving it a college try in the first place. It’s crazy.”

Meanwhile, Valkyrie, played by Tessa Thompson, who appeared in Thor: Ragnarok has appeared on the posters for Endgame which indicate that she survived the snap, but the writers wouldn’t give anything away about the character’s role in the film – perhaps indicating it could be a huge spoiler?

When asked about Ant-Man and Hawkeye who were also MIA in Infinity War, the writers tried their best not to say much at all.

As McFeely tried to answer the question, Markus stopped him, telling him to give his “kick in the teeth” answer.

McFeely continued, “Everyone gets kicked in the teeth. Meaning that the snap happened to everyone. But we don’t want everyone to react the same. So it was helpful to us to have some people have different experiences of it.

“You saw the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp, Scott is experiencing it clearly differently, whatever that means.”

“We haven’t shown you how Hawkeye experienced it. Presumably… you can count on it being differently than the other people. So those points of view are helpful to us so you can tell different types of stories and not have the same football team going down the field.”

Hmm, very interesting indeed!