It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

You've Literally Been Calling Those Rank Bush Turkey Things The Wrong Name Your Entire Life

Brush up on your knowledge.

Your life is a lie. My life is a lie. We have been lied to.

Or, maybe nobody has ever really questioned it.

This big, gross bird that makes an appearance at every ‘rural’ school camp adventure has ALWAYS been called a Bush Turkey, yes?


Gobble gobble sweet-cheeks, we’re all wrong.

This feral grot of a creature is a ‘Brushturkey’.

I, for real, don’t want to live on this planet anymore knowing that I can go 20 something years thinking one thing, for it to be pulled out from under me without a word.

What’s next? A cane toad is a ‘craneroad’? A cassowary is a ‘castlefairy’?

I will not sit back and let this happen to us.

In my mind, these things live at school camp, so next time you’re there- for any reason, have comfort in knowing what you know now and subside any internal feeling that we have been wrong our whole lives.

The time is now to move into the rest of our lives and educate those to come.


Call it by its name.