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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Aussie Teens Are Eating Live Possums On Camera Now, Which Is Extremely Normal

Something cooked is happening in Queensland.

Australia really is a country full of weird things and contradictions.

It’s probably the only place in the world where a nightmarish thing like the Huntsman-Eating Spider Wasp exists, and despite a reputation for alcohol and gluttony, it is also one of the healthiest nations on this green(ish) earth.

The latest thing to add to the list is the bizarre new thing kids are doing these days. Instead of normal entertainment options like playing Anthem to pass the time, some Aussie teens are doing some truly awful things to possums, including eating them live while being filmed.

That is not a typo, as much as I want it to be.

Kids these days…

The RSPCA (via has released incredibly disturbing footage of a series of bizarre possum attacks, the most messed up of which involved some Queensland teenager biting chunks of flesh from what appears to be a live possum while his mates egg him on.

Other videos included a man holding a possum in a net before feeding it to his dog, and another man brutally slamming a possum against a wall and throwing it in a bush. It’s not just awful dudes either as the RSPCA also released a photo of two girls posing proudly with a rifle and a dead possum like couple of MAGA cultists.

RSPCA Queensland spokesman Michael Beatty says “these are deliberate and premeditated acts of animal cruelty and show a complete lack of empathy.”

Good grief.

If for some reason you want to watch this footage, check it out in the link above or here because I’m not sullying this site with that stuff. Be warned, it is graphic and not for the faint of heart.

Be better, everyone.

If there is a silver lining to all this, it’s that all these possum-hurting people are in trouble.

The RSPCA issued a statement saying that the women in the photo could be prosecuted if they did shoot the possum as the animal is protected under the Nature Conservation Act. The man who allegedly slammed the possum into a wall was caught and charged by police last month.

We live in a time where the bar is continually being lowered when it comes to proper behaviour – our politicians are decking each other in the halls of parliament for god’s sake – but it appears that we’re nowhere near rock bottom yet.

I have no idea where this recent slew of possum cruelty came from but there is definitely something cooked happening in Queensland. Maybe there’s something in the water, or maybe Sydney’s cocaine has made its way up north or something. Whatever it is, here’s hoping it stops ASAP because this is wrong on so many levels that my fear of heights is acting up.

You can say that again.