It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Government Is Promising More Action On Drought-Affected Farmers, But Less On Climate Change, Despite One Causing The Other

"Siri, define 'Talking out of both sides of one's mouth'."

In the ultimate example of talking out of both sides of the mouth, the government today announced that they have upped the amount of federal funding to drought-affected farmers and communities, whilst scaling back action on climate change.

On the former, they have announced a new funding package valued at over $250 million dollars, that will go towards helping farmers and rural communities.

Announcing the news on Facebook from the rural NSW town of Forbes, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the money will take the form of low-interest loans to farmers, as well as grants to communities to assist in the building and maintenance of infrastructure during this time.

Which, we should say, is a good move, because it is a shit time for farmers and their communities, and they do need all the help they can get right now.

But because this is Malcolm Turnbull we are talking about, nothing is ever truly good.

Us @ Malc and his ‘good’ deeds.

On the latter, Turnbull has capitulated to the conservative side of his party in regards to the planned National Energy Guarantee, or “NEG”, which sounds like that thing that slimy dudes at bars do to pick up women, but worse, because it’s by the government.


Amid continued speculation that the hard conservative faction of the Liberal Party is hoping to oust him, Malcolm Turnbull has flagged that the NEG will face more changes, and has promised that the Paris Climate Agreement won’t be part of the legislation.

The last part is important, as it pretty much puts us in the same league as Trump’s America, as is one of the main things Tony Abbott was hoping to get (despite the fact that he was the guy who was in charge when we signed it).

Which seems less about actually doing something about energy prices or climate change and more about ensuring Malcy Boy stays in The Lodge for as long as humanly possible.


Of course, you COULD say that the increase in global temperatures due to climate change has led to the unusually dry conditions over Australia’s winter, which in turn results in the current devastation affecting our farmers.

You could also say that if we as a national community want to ensure that this doesn’t happen again, both securing the livelihood of countless families employed by the agriculture industry and ensuring that future emergency funding wouldn’t be necessary, it’d be better to invest in preventative measures that aim to curb climate change.

Just a thought, that’s all.

But all that assumes that anyone in the LNP actually listened to any climate science.

Which, as we know, they all don’t! What joy!