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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Pauline Hanson Is Now Blaming The Moon For Climate Change And Why The Heck Not At This Point

It's probably sending greenhouse effect cheese rays at us or something.

​Sure, saying Pauline Hanson doesn’t understand the science of climate change is of comparable newsworthiness to announcing that ducks continue to be unreliable drivers.

Of course, that doesn’t prevent her being asked about her opinion on climate change mitigation as though a) she has an opinion worth hearing, b) she knows what she’s talking about, and c) we haven’t heard that opinion over and over again for years.

Sing it, Mr Oliver.

Actually, that’s unfair: her opinion on climate change has subtly changed over the years: first it didn’t exist, now it’s something natural and unremarkable, and in about three-to-five years she and all her ilk will have transitioned to phase three, which is saying “fine, climate change is real but now it’s irreversible so it’s too late to both trying to mitigate it”.

But in the meantime she’s identifying the real culprit: THE MOON.

The reason for this weird outburst was the accusation that Australia and the US are deliberately stalling the creation of a global fund to combat climate change, which Hanson endorses on the grounds that climate scientists would just sit around

“There’s no real proof and the scientists saying this, their science hasn’t been investigated at all,” she said with typical Hansonian élan.

“Climate change happens naturally through the Sun and through the Moon and it’s just natural occurrences that have happened for centuries and it will go on happening.”

And she’s right about one thing: as long as people like Hanson misrepresent actual science, it will definitely go on happening.