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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Instagram Took Down Underwear Photos Of Antoni From Queer Eye For Being Too Sexy, And Honestly We’re Surprised It Took This Long

What next? Not allowing him to caress an avocado?

It seems like hardly a day goes by when we’re not thirst-ambushed by one of Antoni Porowski’s trademark undies shots.

You’re scrolling your feed, idly double-tapping your friends’ babies out of obligation, and then BOOM. A dreamy gay John Mayer/Franco-brother hybrid, with an expression on his beautiful sleepy face that says “Oh, this? This is just my chest/abs/bulge, lovingly cradled by another wonderful intimate garment from my friends at Hanes™.”

Sometimes he is holding food. It does not matter.

We even nominated the Queer Eye star’s Insta as one of the thirstiest moments of 2018. One year-long moment of thirst trapping.

Now a particularly steamy shoot with photographer Damon Baker, posted on both Baker’s feed and Antoni’s, has controversially, briefly been taken down by Instagram.

Taking to his Insta story to complain, Baker shared a deletion notice which suggested that action had been taken because the shoot was, quite simply, much too sexy.

There was nothing pornographic or nude about my pictures of Antoni but Instagram deleted the post so now I’m sad and upset,” he wrote.

This may have been the particular photo that gave the platform pause:

Or perhaps this one?

Hmmm. This, to my highly sophisticated eye, looks like art.

Instagram seems to agree, after some thought – the company restored the photos after Baker and a number of queer media outlets called them out.

So you can appreciate the shoot in all its extremely artistic and highbrow glory on Baker’s Instagram.

And if you saw them the first time, why not appreciate them again?