It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Jeff Goldblum Held a Puppy At The Isle of Dogs Screening And We’ll Never Be The Same Again

Woof! Here’s the story of how a silver fox, a trusty canine companion, and a red carpet appearance changed us forever.

The world is scary place these days.

A constant loop of Trump-induced bad news, out of control property prices, and public transport systems that can’t seem to go a day without falling into a black hole of chaos.

But it’s not all bad.

Because there’s Jeff Goldblum – a chiseled and charismatic superhuman with perfect bone structure and the razor-sharp wit to match. And now he’s taken things to the next level.

The next time the universe kicks you while you’re down – or you’ve had a ‘ruff’ day, bless yourself with these instant cheer-me-up images of Goldblum holding a puppy.

Does it get any better?

Yes it does, because Goldblum has a proclivity for posing with super cute puppers, and has been snapped with more than just one furry friend in the last few weeks.


Who’s cuter? Who cares!

Just look at those puppy dog eyes – yes, all four of them.

Goldblum is even super cute when he’s not on the red carpet, and just hanging with his own dog, Woody.


This particular explosion of good-boy cuteness is all thanks to the clever minds behind the promo trail for Goldblum’s new stop-motion animated film, Isle of Dogs.

The Wes Anderson movie marks the third time Goldblum has collaborated with the famed director.

Good boy Goldblum voices the character of Duke, a pupper with a penchant for gossip, who has been exiled to Trash Island by an evil mayor.

Both Jeff and his co-star Bill Murray are making the most of their time on the red carpet, by campaigning for more pupper-friendly movie screenings.

While chatting to the Hollywood Reporter, Goldblum in particular was all-in for more doggo friendly cinemas.

“I’ll come and clean up, too, if they make any mess,” he offered. “Bring them in!”

Yes, a million times yes! Goldblum for president (of our mind, soul, and body).