It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Aaron Carter Threw A Little Tantrum Because He Doesn't Get Enough Credit For Justin Bieber's Career

Weird flex but OK.

Let’s be clear: Aaron Carter, younger brother of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, has exactly one bop. ‘Crush On You’ is cavity-inducing, chipmunked-to-heck bubblegum pop, and not a patch on the 80s original, but it still goes hard.

Justin Bieber, however, has many bops, and is indisputably one of the biggest artists in the world – and much more successful than Aaron Carter by any measure.

Which is all thanks to Aaron Carter, apparently.

Not sure which other “kids” he’s referring to, but clearly, they owe Aaron Carter, King Of Pop, homage.

Before Aaron Carter released his debut single and, to this day, solitary bop ‘Crush On You’, there had never been a young male pop star. They had to be old! Or female! Or both! It was wild back then, man.

Bieber, the ingrate, hit back by… graciously offering to be Aaron Carter’s hype man.

Clearly married life is mellowing the Biebs. Although he still didn’t actually @ Aaron Carter’s handle, he just said his name, which is a bit of a flex – he knows Aaron Carter will see it. Aaron Carter’s probably sitting up at night searching “Aaron Carter” on Twitter every half hour.

And see it he did.

Anyway, this has been your niche beef for the day. Here is another, unrelated Aaron Carter tweet I found, for your enjoyment.